Peter and I went to Canada this weekend! We got on the tunnel to go, and I think we will be there for about 20 minutes or so but before I even know we are under the Detroit River we are already on our way out.
Each agent at the stop grilled us about random things before letting us in or out, like where Peter was working and why we were coming to visit. After parking down by the river, we walked into a Memorial Day celebration for them and there were lots of army-looking men in kilts and sweet white boots. (As soon as we get the cord for our camera I will post the pictures, we both packed ours up for Texas). Why on earth they wear kilts in Canada, I will never know. We walked around for a while and then went to get some delicious Chinese for lunch, since we heard it was great there. (it was, and we gorged ourselves)
Some other good news--we got a mac! And as you can tell by the picture below, we have been having great fun with the photo booth option.
The cat does not look as thrilled as I would think he would. Anyway, we have skype and iChat and now we can all see each other when we move far away. Another reason we got the mac is so Peter can use it to do great things with pictures and videos for his website:
Here he is hard at work:
The glare isn't great, but you can see Peter hard at work on the website! In the background is the "Company white board" that has all the things that he and his dad want to do with the site.
We miss you all and love you! Can't wait to see you guys in Vegas soon!
Yay for Skype!