I have finally created this blog thanks to the enormous amounts of free time i have thanks to my joblessness, homelessness, and yes, childlessness. My secret plan was to wait until we had a child to start a blog so it didn't seem like Peter and I were self-absorbed, but, I needed something to do for the next two months.
Also, it is Peter's birthday today! Hooray for being 24. And his present from me and many parents (thanks for the checks, you guys are awesome!!) is the gift of life. In the form of a sweet helmet for when he gets a scooter one day. Tonight we will have a delicious dinner of steak (Having never bought steak before, i had to ask the butcher what kind to get and felt like a doofus) and potatoes and veggies. Then Peter's monstrous dessert of whoppers and brownies.
If i say too much more i will feel silly, as the only thing that is rather funny is the cat, and i don't want to turn into one of THOSE people. Hahaha oh wait i already am.
You guys and your popped collars are pretty dang cute! I think Cosmo loves it!